Sunday, June 03, 2007

co camp over, hustings over, new comm announced, and somehow i feel a bit sad. in a way, i keep thinking, if i could turn back time, perhaps i would have really done a better job. but oh well, i did my best and i'm happy to be free again. and i'll miss everyone. okay. certain people.

oh well. more cryptic entries that no one would understand but me. somehow blogging is an emotional catharsis for me, quite unlike the usual event-logging kind of blogging. but i think no one reads this but me, so it's okay. its just for venting.

people always tell me i'm too nice, and that's a very dangerous thing to be. but i never saw it that way, until recently. it was like slapping me, reminding me that this world is not as simple as i always assumed it to be. all along, i thought it very logical that as long as you're nice to people, people will be nice to you too. i guess not. its not just one single incident. its a string of lessons in a row.

it may not be a really huge thing, but i didn't do anything to you. i wasn't even that close to you, for goodness sake. maybe i'm not much good at many things, but i'm sure of one thing - if i don't have anything good to say, i won't say it. i'm not like certain people who talk alot and act smart but every single word that comes out from their mouth is pure gibberish. so i don't deserve that bit of bitching from you.

and i swear i HATE it when people gossip about me when they don't know any effing thing about my life. at least get the facts right before you start gossiping, cuz you don't know when it can escalate into something bigger, like it just did. seriously, GET A LIFE, instead of talking about mine.

and some things really confuse me now. i guess all along, i just listened to everything from your side, and i believed you. now i'm not sure what, or who to believe. and i'm even sure whether i want to know the truth now. it's supposed to be in the past, so i should just forget about it - its just that it keeps coming back, over and over again. i guess i just want to know what really happened, but i don't know how, or if i should. i guess sometimes all this just reminds me how hard it is to trust someone.

people can be such imbeciles.


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